Marshall RG1 Regenerator

Marshall Regenerator RG 1
Reading Time: 2 minutesReading Time: 2 minutes

In addition to the reverb and delay effects, modulation effects such as chorus, flanger or phaser are extremely popular with guitarists. The Marshall RG1 Regenerator is now such a pedal, which offers six modulation effects in one housing. These can’t run parallel, but you shouldn’t overdo it when modulating. Less is more!


The regenerator comes in a relatively compact but quite heavy metal housing. In any case the part is extremely stable. It can be operated either with a 9V battery or with a power supply. The Marshall RG1 Regenerator leaves nothing to be desired. Besides the input there are two outputs and the possibility to connect an expression pedal. You can control the intensity of the effect continuously for example.

Operating the Marshall RG1 Regenerator

The operation of the Marshall is actually quite simple. With the first button the desired effect is selected. The other three buttons control intensity (Depth), Speed (Speed) and the mixing ratio (Regen). It’s simple and easy and works very well so far. However, the knobs are extremely close together and are a bit difficult to adjust. Because the knobs shine in bright chrome, the current status of the knob is (almost) not visible.

Sound of the Marshall RG1 Regenerator

Now how does the pedal sound? This question is quite difficult to answer, because altogether 6 sounds have to be evaluated. To get it straight away: there are certainly better sounding specialists in the modulation field. This also applies to the lower price segment. The tester uses the pedal exclusively in live operation. It is an “ancient” pedal and therefore adapts to the tester. If you like 80s rock sounds, you can be happy here.


  • Dimensions (W x D x H): 65 x 120 x 55mm
  • Weight: approx. 500 g
  • Multifunctional modulation pedal (6 modes)
    • Vintage Chorus
    • multi chorus
    • Flanger
    • Phaser
    • vintage vibe
    • step phaser
  • Battery operation possible
  • Current consumption 70mA – Power supply operation recommended
  • Expression Pedal Connection


The Marshall RG1 Regenerator is a somewhat outdated “multi” modulation pedal, but offers an enormous variety for a small price. In live operation it shows its true strength and shines with a good basic sound. If you don’t work permanently with chorus, flanger or phaser, you have a perfect workhorse under your feet. Only the somewhat unhandy operation of the knobs is disturbing. Also the hardly readable labeling of the knobs disturbs the otherwise very strong impression of the pedal.


  • Diverse sound possibilities (multi-modulation pedal)
  • High flexibility
  • Super price/performance ratio
  • Expression Pedal Connection
  • Good basic sound


  • Knob settings are difficult to read
  • Very close arrangement of the buttons
  • Quite heavy
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I, Stefan Barth (Place of residence: Germany), process personal data to operate this website only to the extent technically necessary. All details in my privacy policy.